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I think I may be a target.

"One of the devices that predators use in the interactions with kids is sending them explicit photos of themselves.  What they're trying to do is sort of deaden the nerve endings.  They're trying to beat down the resistance.  It's part of the grooming process to normalize what they're trying to do.  And it's pretty insidious."
— Ernie Allen, President & CEO, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children


  • - If the stranger is awkwardly nice.
  • - If the stranger takes your side in every situation.
  • - If the stranger has a common username involving the wards "hotman" or "sexy."
  • - If the stranger asks you personal questions about your body.
  • - If the stranger spends months talking to you, and eventually asks to meet up.

How to avoid this:

​Always be careful when you are online. DO NOT talk to anyone that you do not know. Make sure that you keep your profile private and avoid posting your whereabouts at every moment in the day. If you are being bothered, block them and report their actions immediately.

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